Monday, May 30, 2011

The King's Speech

I was concerned that I wouldn't like this movie because I don't do well with remembering history. (Ok, let's be honest, I have a hard time remembering anything! Dang sometimers.)

It was okay that I didn't know much about the history of the royals over in England, because with my limited knowledge, I was still able to follow and love this story.

Basically, this is about George VI and how he was suddenly in the spotlight of King without the speaking skills to perform well(He suffered from a stuttering problem). The story is one of perseverance and passion. Even though George had a hard time, he kept at practicing with his speech therapist and goes on to deliver an amazing speech and lead his country through war.

I really think this is the best film I have seen so far this year and I give it five crowns and one hundred royal gems!

Toy Story 3

Pic found at

The whole time I watched this, I was thinking about how brilliant the creators of the storyline have been. Seriously, as a child, I always thought of my toys as being real and always felt bad when I played with one toy more than another. I was sure they had feelings and would be sad when they didn't get adequate play time.

And who would have thought to write a story about how those toys feel when their owner grows up and goes away to college. Brilliant.

This is a fun little animated film and I am not usually a fan of animated. Watch it. Love it. Then go and play with those dusty toys, because you know you feel guilty about neglecting them.

I give it a double Ken and Barbie because those two characters killed it! :)