Monday, June 28, 2010


This movie is proof once again that sports unite the masses. I am always amazed at how I am touched by sport movies. It always amazes me how having a good attitude and sportsmanship can make an amazing impact on people. One such example would be the recent almost perfect baseball game where a pitcher had a perfect game going in the 9th inning and the umpire made a horrible call at first ruining the pitcher's perfect game. Instead of holding a grudge, the pitcher reached out to the
umpire after the game and had a drink with him. Touching, just like Invictus where Nelson Mandela encourages both racial and by his support of the republic of South Africa's rugby team(when most South African Blacks would only support football). This movie was awesome and inspiring. You will watch it(as the Brits would say!)

This movie receives three golden scrums and two brass tries!!