Apparently I was under a rock my whole life and really didn't know where songs like: "Gary Indiana," or "Good Night, Ladies" came from. Well, my friends, they are from The Music Man. I was too young(and actually not even alive) to appreciate either the Broadway hit or the 1962 movie, but I am very glad that I have recently been on a Kristin Chenoweth kick since reading her book because I got to watch this brilliant little movie.
I am not always a musical fan. Don't even get me started on Oklahoma! But I did really enjoy Annie, which probably is for younger audiences. I really think the reason I liked Annie was because it was very action packed and funny. This is also why The Music Man got my heart.
It not only has one of favorite songs to hum in it: "Seventy-Six Trombones" but it was also humorous and had romance. Basically, Professor Harold Hill(played by Matthew Broderick, and again I was under a rock my whole life and didn't realize he could sing so well or that he was ever on Broadway), is a scammer posing as a traveling salesmen. He basically comes into town with the promise that he will make a marching band to keep kids out of trouble but actually has no music ability himself and the kids never play a note. Chenoweth's character is Marian the Librarian, who is very skeptical of Hill and wants to prove that his act is a scam. Unfortunately, she falls for him(okay so not so unfortunate). Brilliant. And btw, Ms. Chenoweth has got some lungs. That woman can sing. You. GO. Girl! Not only do you get peppy songs you also get some dancing and some romance. I say watch this film. You will not be disappointed unless you are numb to fun!
Also, when you do watch, and you will, be sure to pay attention to "Shipoopi." I told my sister that my new nickname is Shipoopi because of my dating experience and she could call me Ship for short. Of course she said she will call me poopi for short. Silly seester!
I give this brilliant little film three batons and seventy-six trombones(of course)!