Yes, it is July. Yes, I did watch this movie in the middle of summer. My mom and I thought it was fun to watch a Christmas themed movie in the comfort of our A/C. We sat under blankets to make it feel like Christmastime!
This was another movie that had Kristin Chenoweth in it as a part of my ongoing summer Cheno addiction. In this movie, she plays a woman who loses her job in New York and eventually accepts one in Montana, of all places(She also loses her fiance which devestates her even further). I think Montana is nice, but for New Yorkers, I guess that place is boring and weird. Anyway, she basically goes there with plans of moving back to New York in a year after a big project with the new job is done. The 12 Men actually are each a photo for a calendar that Chenoweth's character, E.J., is in charge of putting together in order to raise money for a search and rescue team. Getting twelve men of Montana to take off some of their clothing for a photo spread proves hard and E.J. is consumed with making it happen. Of course, the biggest opposition comes from one of the search and rescue guys, who happens to be amazinly gorgeous, and E.J. basically hates him. They fight endlessly and have a bit of sexual tension that also builds throughout the movie. (I often wonder how this heat actually grows between two people because I would just end up punching the jerk in the face and getting a restraining order against me)
I won't give you all the details and will just tell you to watch the movie. Not only do you get to see the amazingly cute and wonderful acting of Ms. Chenoweth, but you also get to see burly men with their shirts off. Hello, major win.
I give it twelve pin up models and an apple box to stand on(for Cheno!) It's good. Watch it. You won't be sorry and remember that cheesiness is happiness!!!
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