Photo courtesy of redbox.com
If you are movie buff like me, you still may have missed this movie. I rented this 1990 movie from the Redbox last night. I didn't realize it was so dated and was actually pleasantly surprised by it. It stars Robin Williams and Robert De Niro and was directed by Penny Marshall.
The movie takes place in New York City in a mental hospital. Robin Williams' character, Dr.Sayer, tries to figure out why many of the patients are in a coma like state. He researches and researches and eventually finds a drug that he thinks may bring the people back from their catatonic (or asleep) state. Robert De Niro plays patient Leonard Lowe, who is the guinea pig with the drug. After it does work on him, the whole mass of people are prescribed the drug.
Basically, the movie is an encouragement to our own awakenings. We, the living(normal), sometimes forget what things we are blessed with, even just the freedom to take a walk anytime we want!
I won't give much more about the movie away but I really think that it is worth the dollar to rent this movie. Robin Williams always amazes me with his ability to be serious in film because I always just expect him to be zany. De Niro pulls off a mental patient phenomenally! Good acting, good message, over all: A good flick.
I love this movie!