Photo courtesy of: http://www.allmoviephoto.com/photo/2009_The_Time_Traveler's_Wife_photo3.html
This is a great movie. Unless you are like my friend, Janette and you judge movies based on how much you cry in them. She hated the movie because she cried a lot. I didn't cry at all, so the crying actually will be on an individual basis.
The movie is based on a great concept. This man is a time traveler. I don't believe that time travel actually needs nudity to happen but in this movie it does, so be warned there is some skin here and there.
Basically, it was a love story where a guy falls in love with somebody from a different time. For me, this is sometimes a creepy thing because when they meet he is like in his 40s and she is like six. That is a little weird but I guess later on when she is older and they fall in love and get married it works.
If you notice, I don't tell you much about the movie because I would hate to ruin the story line for you.
Rachel McAdams is great in this movie. She is pretty much great in any movie she does. Eric Bana is cute. That was nice because eye candy in a movie is always nice!
I guess I don't have much to tell you about this movie but this is a great movie. I would say you totally should watch this movie.
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